My BLogs Right Breeding report for Hoplisoma panda by donpetty

Down Basics
Overview The first spawn was on Monday 17th of June 2013. The breeding group consisted of 4 males and 3 females. The individuals were obtained from The Wet Spot.
1.Various frozen foods (frozen) daily
Down Water Parameters (at time of spawning)
pH 7.60 to 7.60
Temperature 22.5°C to 22.5°C
Current Medium
Down Aquarium
Dimensions The aquarium dimensions were 610mm x 305mm x 508mm (24" x 12" x 20") all Length x Width x Height.
Furniture Aquarium sand, several potted plants and a large piece of mango wood with Java fern attached, a few small half pots for cover and tank is shared with ancistrus- so a few small tubes. Also a few hanging spawning mops of green yarn.
Filtration Aquean HOB filter for current and Eheim canister filter.
Lighting Single T5 bulb
Heating None- Room stays 70 or so in winter and about 78f in summer.
Down Breeding
Behaviour They seem to prefer to spawn early am and in a larger group with several of the males taking part in the chase and T formations. Eggs are deposited deep inside spawning mops and fry seem to do ok with adult group but I have noted that when I added a few C. Matae to tank the Matae would egg the Panda eggs as fast as they laid them.
Fry sizes 7 days: 0mm
14 days: 0mm
21 days: 0mm
Juvenile sizes 1 month: 0mm
3 months: 0mm
6 months: 0mm