My BLogs Right Breeding report for Rineloricaria lanceolata by CharlieM9

Down Basics
Overview The first spawn was on Sunday 16th of August 2015. The breeding group consisted of 3 males and 2 females. The smallest male was at least 85mm SL and the smallest female was at least 90mm SL. The youngest adult was approximately 18 months old. The individuals were obtained from Wild import.
Feeding No foods recorded
Down Water Parameters (at time of spawning)
pH 6.40 to 6.50
Conductivity 200µs to 900µs
Temperature 24.0°C to 25.5°C
Current Air (vertical)
Other Water Params Large multiple cold water changes are needed to induce this species into spawning.
Down Aquarium
Furniture Sand, sponge filter, java fern, pvc tubes and clay pleco caves
Filtration Sponge, hydro 3
Lighting LED 10 hours a day
Heating Ambient room temp, space heater used
Down Breeding
Behaviour Male guards eggs in a spawning tube.
Eggs There were 35 green eggs laid which were 3.0mm in diameter.
Time to hatch 10 days
Number: 34
Free swimming: 4 days
Segregation When I notice an increasing amount of brown pigment of the developing larvae in the egg, I move the male cave and all into a breeder box. Once he hatches all the eggs, he and the tube are moved back into the main tank to spawn again.
Fry sizes 7 days: 10mm
14 days: 12mm
21 days: 16mm
Juvenile sizes 1 month: 17mm
3 months: 25mm
6 months: 75mm
Fry and juvenile feeding Oak leaves are left in the breeder box so that fry can graze all day. Live baby brine shrimp fed every morning, and microworms every evening