Cat-eLogRight My Cats Registered Keepers Right Rineloricaria platyura

No. All keepers listed by when they started keeping this species. The longest an individual has been kept is 8 years, 1 months.
1 lordotterby since 2007-03-15 to 2012-07-25, that's 5 years, 4 months
2 Acanthicus since 2011-01-24 to 2019-03-10, that's 8 years, 1 months
3 craft since 2013-01-02 to 2016-03-05, that's 3 years, 2 months; who writes, "I bought this fish as rineloricaria sp rio mamore. This is called Rineloricaria Amazonia. Japanese fish magazine writed gomashio loricaria."
4 Mathias (k: 2) since 2014-10-03 to 2016-04-30, that's 1 years, 6 months
5 kamas88 (k: 3) since 2015-10-17 to 2020-11-14, that's 5 years, 0 months; who writes, "These are H. aff. stewarti or L 42 which is a different species than H. platyura. I have several groups from different locations, Suriname river, Maroni drainage, Mana drainage"
6 Xingu23 since 2017-08-15 to 2019-08-15, that's 2 years, 0 months
7 N_F_S since 2024-04-04 to 2024-04-19, that's 0 years, 0 months