Cat-eLogRight My Cats Registered Keepers Right Duringlanis perugiae

No. All keepers listed by when they started keeping this species. The longest an individual has been kept is 13 years, 10 months.
1 Join (k: 7) since 2002-06-01 to 2011-12-06, that's 9 years, 6 months
2 Barbie (k: 5) since 2005-01-01 to 2009-08-24, that's 4 years, 7 months
3 daniel60 (k: 8) since 2005-10-01 to 2019-08-27, that's 13 years, 10 months
4 Floody since 2007-03-07 to 2009-10-30, that's 2 years, 7 months
5 Silurus since 2007-03-10 to 2009-03-10, that's 2 years, 0 months
6 Whiskerbreed since 2007-03-16 to 2009-03-16, that's 2 years, 0 months
7 Tuti since 2007-04-06 to 2009-04-06, that's 2 years, 0 months
8 lazymf (p: 2) since 2007-04-19 to 2009-04-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
9 racoll (k: 6) since 2007-07-17 to 2011-01-09, that's 3 years, 5 months; who writes, "These fish love frozen Daphnia."
10 Freakdaddy (k: 2) since 2007-07-29 to 2009-07-29, that's 2 years, 0 months
11 Högö (k: 3) since 2007-08-13 to 2009-08-13, that's 2 years, 0 months
12 Oliver D. (k: 5) since 2007-09-01 to 2009-10-28, that's 2 years, 1 months
13 Gump since 2007-09-01 to 2010-07-12, that's 2 years, 10 months
14 invaderwithkey (k: 3) since 2007-10-16 to 2009-10-16, that's 2 years, 0 months
15 irshprncsk (p: 2, k: 9) since 2007-10-21 to 2012-12-18, that's 5 years, 1 months
16 joepleco since 2007-12-08 to 2009-12-08, that's 2 years, 0 months; who writes, "I call these the hummingbirds of the fish world, if you are lucky enough to get to own one, please do! They are sensitive to drops in temp. and like clean water and hiding places in wood. Beware of ICH it can kill them fast! Very smooth scaleless bod"
17 panaque since 2008-02-10 to 2014-07-17, that's 6 years, 5 months; who writes, "13/07/2008: First spawn that I am aware of. Rescued 24 eggs that fell out of the breeding tube (now in breeding net); unknown number remain in tube with female. 16/07/2008: Eggs have hatched: tiny wrigglers with enormous yolk sacks. Only 6 left in"
18 fish fodder (k: 3) since 2008-02-18 to 2010-05-15, that's 2 years, 2 months; who writes, "i currently have a female in a tight fitting cave tending to approx 20 2-3mm eggs. quite large eggs for such a small fish (2") she doesnt come out much for food either, compared to the other female and male. so a certain degree of care is being obser"
19 geoffkemp (k: 6) since 2008-02-27 to 2013-08-12, that's 5 years, 5 months
20 Martin S (p: 3, k: 4) since 2008-03-27 to 2009-04-11, that's 1 years, 0 months; who writes, "Lost one female 10/11/2008 when heater stuck on and tank temperature reached 33 degrees C.", "Lost one male 02/04/2009.", "One found dead for unknown reasons 07 August 2012. Another 30 May 2017. Only one found remaining 24 June 2017."
21 Suckermouth (k: 3) since 2008-03-29 to 2010-06-01, that's 2 years, 2 months
22 Yann (k: 5) since 2008-05-22 to 2011-12-03, that's 3 years, 6 months
23 T4FR (k: 5) since 2008-07-14 to 2011-06-13, that's 2 years, 10 months; who writes, "In the group I bought there is sadly only one male.I hope to breed them in the future, but first they have to grow a little. I have two yellow females don't know why some look more yellow and others look more white."
24 jollysue (k: 10) since 2008-09-11 to 2010-10-23, that's 2 years, 1 months
25 worton[pl] (k: 9) since 2008-09-22 to 2010-09-22, that's 2 years, 0 months
26 corycat since 2008-10-16 to 2010-10-16, that's 2 years, 0 months
27 myfish (k: 5) since 2009-01-11 to 2011-01-11, that's 2 years, 0 months
28 bcb (k: 2) since 2009-01-16 to 2011-01-16, that's 2 years, 0 months
29 andyh since 2009-01-26 to 2011-01-26, that's 2 years, 0 months
30 arzerkle since 2009-02-14 to 2011-02-14, that's 2 years, 0 months
31 bluescotty23 (p: 2) since 2009-03-01 to 2011-03-01, that's 2 years, 0 months
32 Gerard Pennards since 2009-05-10 to 2014-01-04, that's 4 years, 7 months; who writes, "Had 3 specimens, two died, cause probably age"
33 ligon (k: 6) since 2009-07-02 to 2012-01-02, that's 2 years, 6 months
34 kim m (k: 8) since 2009-07-03 to 2017-04-26, that's 7 years, 9 months; who writes, "Some wild fish I caught myself in Peru and some shop bought ones..."
35 Jools (p: 2) since 2010-01-27 to 2012-03-12, that's 2 years, 1 months
36 Industrial since 2010-04-06 to 2012-04-06, that's 2 years, 0 months
37 J Bluto since 2010-04-16 to 2012-04-16, that's 2 years, 0 months
38 oanes (k: 8) since 2010-07-01 to 2012-07-08, that's 2 years, 0 months; who writes, "These guys are hilarious. They swarm about the top of the tank at dusk, probably insect feeders in the wild. They bounce off my arm when I lower snacks down for the bottom dwellers in the tank. They cling to wood during the day but arent completely shy of light, so you can usually see them peeking out while they are sleeping."
39 Bisclavret (p: 2) since 2010-09-05 to 2012-09-05, that's 2 years, 0 months
40 Nabobmob1 since 2010-09-09 to 2012-01-04, that's 1 years, 3 months
41 nvcichlids (k: 8) since 2010-10-13 to 2012-08-26, that's 1 years, 10 months
42 tijani (k: 2) since 2010-10-21 to 2012-11-23, that's 2 years, 1 months
43 kruseman (k: 2) since 2010-10-22 to 2016-08-17, that's 5 years, 9 months
44 MatsP (p: 2, k: 8) since 2010-11-10 to 2011-06-11, that's 0 years, 7 months; who writes, "From Indonesia via Maidenhead Aquatics Bracknell.", "From Ralf Britz."
45 Sktchy (k: 2) since 2011-02-07 to 2013-02-10, that's 2 years, 0 months
46 keen-eyed (k: 13) since 2011-02-19 to 2013-02-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
47 Hmoobthor (k: 2) since 2011-06-03 to 2012-09-08, that's 1 years, 3 months; who writes, "Keeping them with betta, oto catfish and amano shrimp in a 10g. The yellow tank color fade away within 24 hour and white skin starting to appear."
48 NielsV (k: 6) since 2011-08-05 to 2013-09-05, that's 2 years, 1 months
49 steveh28 (k: 5) since 2011-10-11 to 2013-09-30, that's 1 years, 11 months
50 CharlyBrown since 2011-10-25 to 2013-12-20, that's 2 years, 1 months
51 fleshwound (k: 2) since 2011-11-24 to 2013-11-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
52 metalface2 since 2011-12-04 to 2012-04-20, that's 0 years, 4 months
53 Manon des sources since 2011-12-08 to 2013-12-08, that's 2 years, 0 months
54 fishboy20 since 2012-01-02 to 2014-01-02, that's 2 years, 0 months
55 AzFishKid (p: 2) since 2012-01-02 to 2014-01-02, that's 2 years, 0 months
56 Lilredbeaver since 2012-01-09 to 2014-01-09, that's 2 years, 0 months
57 Shane since 2012-04-01 to 2014-03-08, that's 1 years, 11 months
58 Herbsti since 2012-10-12 to 2014-10-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
59 Regina (k: 8) since 2012-11-18 to 2015-01-18, that's 2 years, 2 months
60 miguel mitchel (k: 4) since 2012-11-19 to 2015-09-24, that's 2 years, 10 months
61 cifinest33rd since 2013-01-19 to 2015-01-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
62 Gordon C. Snelling since 2013-03-02 to 2015-03-02, that's 2 years, 0 months
63 Sylvain (k: 2) since 2013-09-18 to 2015-12-18, that's 2 years, 3 months
64 fishdoc313 (k: 6) since 2013-11-22 to 2016-03-24, that's 2 years, 4 months
65 gem400 since 2013-12-10 to 2015-12-11, that's 2 years, 0 months
66 Luis.Ventura since 2014-07-17 to 2016-07-17, that's 2 years, 0 months
67 Oceanica (k: 2) since 2014-09-09 to 2020-08-15, that's 5 years, 11 months; who writes, "Sensitive to malachite green and formalin meds"
68 parrot1974 since 2014-09-13 to 2016-01-02, that's 1 years, 3 months
69 Atmichaels (k: 8) since 2014-09-18 to 2017-01-24, that's 2 years, 4 months
70 kwalker since 2014-11-14 to 2016-11-14, that's 2 years, 0 months
71 Zulan since 2015-01-04 to 2017-01-04, that's 2 years, 0 months
72 VickyEll7 since 2015-08-12 to 2017-10-04, that's 2 years, 1 months
73 bekateen (k: 6) since 2015-08-15 to 2022-09-14, that's 7 years, 0 months
74 DHarris since 2015-11-05 to 2017-11-05, that's 2 years, 0 months
75 catfishchaos (k: 6) since 2015-11-14 to 2015-11-26, that's 0 years, 0 months; who writes, "WC group of 6, these fish are extremely nervous and I suggest acclimatizing them in the dark and with a piece of wood for them to cluster into. My group broke out with ich after a thorough inspection which revealed none. It would appear they are very prone to it when stressed, none of the other fish from the same order have ich"
76 john h (k: 5) since 2015-11-28 to 2017-11-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
77 Gallywags (k: 2) since 2015-12-03 to 2018-02-22, that's 2 years, 2 months; who writes, "They never really move, day or night. Unless there is bloodworms floating around."
78 Reborn (k: 8) since 2015-12-30 to 2017-03-02, that's 1 years, 2 months
79 Narwhal72 since 2016-01-15 to 2018-01-15, that's 2 years, 0 months
80 CoryCatfish1212 (k: 2) since 2016-01-18 to 2016-04-17, that's 0 years, 2 months
81 joclru (k: 2) since 2016-02-20 to 2018-05-15, that's 2 years, 2 months; who writes, "While early on they began swimming around near the top of the water looking for food, they now know that my feedings normally end with food at the bottom so I rarely see them go to the top of the tank. They come out day or night if bloodworms or mysis shrimp are added to the tank. They will eat some prepared foods too, but are more likely to not notice them. I've never seen them move since my first feeding other than when food is added or another fish bumps into them."
82 jac (k: 18) since 2016-09-23 to 2025-01-15, that's 8 years, 3 months
83 synolover since 2016-11-17 to 2018-11-17, that's 2 years, 0 months
84 Ravn (k: 20) since 2016-12-10 to 2019-01-16, that's 2 years, 1 months
85 CatWhat since 2016-12-11 to 2018-12-11, that's 2 years, 0 months
86 cory-ap2 since 2017-01-15 to 2019-09-19, that's 2 years, 8 months
87 BrynnaCC (k: 12) since 2017-01-17 to 2020-06-23, that's 3 years, 5 months; who writes, "Originally kept in 50 gallon planted tank - moved to 40 gallon Walstad tank, where they began breeding. Initial attempts to keep fry were unsuccessful but I have had better survival rates in recent months using a technique called "leaving them alone." Females also seem to care for eggs that are not their own."
88 corydoras since 2017-01-21 to 2023-05-24, that's 6 years, 4 months
89 ajw9356 (k: 2) since 2017-03-02 to 2021-02-12, that's 3 years, 11 months; who writes, "Regular changes with our tap water, which is middle of the road conditions and places to hide and cave to spawn which was a 1” Pleco cave in this case."
90 Jbottomfeeder since 2017-03-12 to 2019-03-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
91 gulogulo (k: 2) since 2017-03-14 to 2018-06-20, that's 1 years, 3 months; who writes, "Lots of caves, some driftwood, powerhead"
92 Maxpedley since 2017-05-17 to 2019-05-17, that's 2 years, 0 months
93 unicornfish (k: 2) since 2017-06-07 to 2019-11-04, that's 2 years, 4 months
94 CatfishAddict01 since 2017-07-19 to 2019-07-19, that's 2 years, 0 months
95 Goodeid608 since 2017-10-18 to 2019-10-18, that's 2 years, 0 months
96 Jakesilvester1996 since 2018-03-24 to 2020-03-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
97 angerygrover since 2018-04-16 to 2020-05-02, that's 2 years, 0 months; who writes, "Kept in community tank"
98 WadeNCreeks (k: 2) since 2018-04-25 to 2022-09-20, that's 4 years, 4 months
99 Damian since 2018-08-08 to 2020-08-08, that's 2 years, 0 months
100 craigc (k: 6) since 2018-12-20 to 2020-03-21, that's 1 years, 3 months; who writes, "From comatose to bezerk in 2 seconds when food is around. Add live/frozen blood worm or live tubifex to activate! Lovely fish, super cute and interesting to watch. Feed with light on - have tried using red LED (read that they can't see red light) to see if they swim out more after main light out but doesn't seem to make any difference."
101 WildNature since 2019-02-24 to 2021-02-24, that's 2 years, 0 months
102 OregonOutdoorsChris (k: 6) since 2019-03-10 to 2024-07-14, that's 5 years, 4 months; who writes, "Such a fun fish. Active and aggressive feeder. Once settled in can hand feed."
103 goatlady since 2019-05-30 to 2021-05-30, that's 2 years, 0 months
104 Hendre since 2019-07-28 to 2021-07-28, that's 2 years, 0 months
105 Feohw (k: 3) since 2019-11-14 to 2022-09-16, that's 2 years, 10 months
106 Lepo since 2020-08-25 to 2022-08-25, that's 2 years, 0 months
107 FishyMcFishFish (k: 85) since 2020-12-12 to 2022-12-12, that's 2 years, 0 months
108 Charlie (k: 5) since 2021-04-29 to 2022-03-21, that's 0 years, 10 months; who writes, "Crazy feeders... females are sooo plump and ready to spawn."
109 Catfish-ologist (p: 3, k: 612) since 2021-08-10 to 2021-08-21, that's 0 years, 0 months; who writes, "F1?", "F1 spawned after 7 days in qt and since then has spawned on a regular basis, fry are very easy to raise."
110 ZoomiesPB since 2022-06-03 to 2024-09-18, that's 2 years, 3 months
111 minmulgogi since 2022-07-05 to 2024-07-05, that's 2 years, 0 months
112 Fallen_Leaves16 since 2022-11-03 to 2023-02-16, that's 0 years, 3 months; who writes, "Nice fish. Typical small auchenipterid; ravenous eater when able and hardly ever seen unless at night. Sold at local club auction."
113 Biiteotb since 2022-11-26 to 2024-11-26, that's 2 years, 0 months
114 BigFishLittleFish since 2023-02-20 to 2025-01-15, that's 1 years, 10 months
115 cyfan964 since 2023-03-27 to 2025-01-15, that's 1 years, 9 months
116 MarcW (k: 2) since 2023-04-02 to 2025-01-15, that's 1 years, 9 months
117 Phoenix.L since 2023-05-29 to 2025-01-15, that's 1 years, 7 months
118 naniko since 2023-05-29 to 2025-01-15, that's 1 years, 7 months
119 characinkid (k: 5) since 2024-01-10 to 2025-01-15, that's 1 years, 0 months; who writes, "In !0G sp. tank"
120 N_F_S since 2024-04-04 to 2025-01-15, that's 0 years, 9 months