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Down Cat-eLog Data Sheet
Scientific Name Chaetostoma pearsei  Eigenmann, 1920
Common Names L187, Pears' Rubbernose Pleco
Corroncho (Venezuelan), Finneplettet Gumminæse (Denmark)
Type Locality Río Castaño at Maracay, Venezuela.
Pronunciation KATE oh STOW mah
Etymology Greek, chaite = hair + Greek, stoma = mouth. 
Down Species Information
Size 150mm or 5.9" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification The genus Chaetostoma is not straightforward to identify, but as a general rule, the species has spines behind the gill-cover (interopercular odontodes), no plates on the abdomen, and aside from C. platyrhynchus also lack plates on the snout edge. Different from Ancistrus by not having fleshy tentacles on the snout.

From Fernandez Yepez, "Spot or dark area on the membrane between the the dorsal spine and first divided ray. Dorsal spines I, 9; anal I, 4, superior part (of body) with small light colored spots."
Sexing During the spawning season, the rostrum of breeding males becomes enlarged and "fatty." This is why the common name "rubbernose" has been applied to the genus.
General Remarks Specimens collected by German hobbyists from the Lake Valencia region appeared in Datz 10/94. Subsequent photos of L187 in Aqualog and other publications were of other species with a similar appearance. Pictures of at least half a dozen Chaetostoma spp from Colombia, Venezuela, and Peru have all appeared in various books as L187.

Sell also Fernandez Yepes (date unknown) Un Nuevo Loricarido para Venezuela; Descripcion de un ejemplar de Loricariidae, colectado en el Rio encantado, afluente del Rio Tuy por medio del Rio Grande. Memoria De La SCN La Salle. p 27-33 Ceas P.A. and L. M. Page (1996) Chaetostoma yurubiense (Teleostei: Siluriformes), a new species of Loricariid catfish from the Aroa, Urama, and Yaracuy River Systems in Venezuela. Copeia, 1996(3). p 671-677.
Down Habitat Information
Distribution South America: Lake Valencia and Tuy River basins in Venezuela.
Tuy (click on these areas to find other species found there)
Valencia (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
pH 6.8 - 7.5
Temperature 24.0-25.5°C or 75.2-77.9°F (Show species within this range)
Other Parameters Water should be soft, clear, and well oxygenated.
Down Husbandry Information
Feeding Like many Chaetostoma spp they can be difficult to get feeding. Live and frozen foods and rock and driftwood covered with algae help them begin to eat after capture. With time all standard aquarium foods are eaten, especially fresh vegetables. User data.
Furniture The natural habitat consists of rounded stones of various sizes with a substrate of mixed sand/gravel. Due to the level of current there are no aquatic plants. Light levels are high due to the water's clearness and shallowness (usually less than one meter).
Compatibility Other fishes that need similar "cool" well oxygenated water.
Suggested Tankmates Other Chaetostoma spp and fast water tetras.
Breeding Spawns in shallow, fast flowing water on the underneath of a flat object. Male, upside down, guards an adhesive clutch of eggs by, more or less, covering it with his body.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
Down Further Information
Reference Indiana University Studies v. 7 (no. 44), pp 8, Fig. 3; Pl. 2.
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Last Update 2022 Jan 19 09:51 (species record created: 2007 Jul 01 20:02)