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Scientific Name Pseudobagarius inermis  (Ng & Kottelat, 2000)
Common Name
Type Locality Unnamed creek entering Xe Kaman from the north at proposed Xe Kaman dam site, Attapeu Province, Laos, 14°57'40''N, 107°09'16''E.
Synonym(s) Akysis inermis
Pronunciation in err miss
Down Species Information
Size 35mm or 1.4" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification Catfish of the genus Pseudobagarius are akysids with the snout extending well in front of the tip of lower jaw (which renders the mouth subterminal). The front and back nostrils are relatively large and closely set (separated only by the base of the nasal barbel). The caudal fin is deeply forked.

Can be differentiated from its congeners in the following characters: lacking distinct serrae on posterior edge of pectoral spine; adipose fin with moderately long base, its length 13.4-16.7 %SL; eye diameter 7-10 %HL; length of nasal barbel 38-57 %HL; tip of snout noticeably in front of apex of lower jaw; large anterior and posterior nostrils present, closely situated together and separated only by base of nasal barbel; caudal fin with 7+7-8 rays; branchiostegal rays 6-7; a light yellow snout with a sharp contrasted edge; color pattern consisting of dorsal and ventral light yellow patches on the body that sometimes coalesce at mid-height of the flank.
Down Habitat Information
Distribution Asia: Xe Banghiang and Xe Kong drainages of the Mekong River drainages in southern Laos.
Mekong, Xe Banghiang (click on these areas to find other species found there)
Mekong, Xe Kong (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Data Deficient
, range map and more is available on the IUCN species page. Last assessed 2011.
Down Husbandry Information
Furniture Rocks or driftwood to partially deflect the current and for the fish to hide in. Some vegetation or leaf litter also ideal.
Compatibility Ideal tankmates include balitorine loaches such as Homaloptera, fast-swimming cyprinids such as Danio or Barilius, and smaller mastacembelids.
Breeding Unreported in the aquarium.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
Down Further Information
Reference Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1), pp 8, Figs. 1, 2a.
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ARN ref:1.29.408.1574
Last Update 2020 Sep 23 13:24 (species record created: 2005 Jun 09 00:00)