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Down Cat-eLog Data Sheet
Scientific Name Peckoltia sp. `AMAPA`     
Common Name Amapa Peckoltia
Pronunciation peck OLE tea ah
Etymology Peckoltia: named after Gustavo Peckolt, member of the Natural History Commission of Rondon. 
Down Species Information
Sexing Males develop small teeth-like odontodes which adorn the leading pectoral fin rays and the back half of the fishes body. Females remain unadorned and have a wider girth across the body most evident when the area just behind the pectoral fins is viewed from above.
Down Habitat Information
Amapa State Waters (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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Down Husbandry Information
Feeding Omnivorous with a tendency towards meaty foods. Not an effective algae eater. Well fed individuals will not damage most plants. User data.
Furniture Rock piles and wood tangles. Plants are not vital.
Compatibility Peaceful if a little territorial. As a rough guide give each fish a 12 inch square area well broken up with decorations.
Suggested Tankmates A medium sized pleco that can be combined with a very wide array of tankmates due to its unfussy nature. Perfectly safe with small fishes and shrimp or robust enough to withstand the attention of all but the largest cichlids.
Breeding Cave spawner.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
Down Further Information
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Last Update 2006 Apr 06 00:00 (species record created: 2006 Apr 06 00:00)