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Down Cat-eLog Data Sheet
Scientific Name Ancistrus sp. (L421)     
Common Names L421, Ceara Bristlenose
Ceara-antennesugemalle (Denmark)
Pronunciation an SISS truss
Etymology The name Ancistrus is derived from the Greek word agkistron, meaning hook, in reference to the interopercular odontodes that are hooked. 
Down Species Information
Identification Mature males and sometimes females have soft tentacles (bushy fleshy growths) on the snout - this is unique to the genus Ancistrus.
Sexing Males develop soft tentacles on the head and while sometimes females also do, it is never to the grand extent of those found on that of the conspecific male.
Down Habitat Information
Distribution Rio Inhuçú, Ceará state in northeast Brazil
Ceará State Rivers, Inhuçú (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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Down Husbandry Information
Feeding Ancistrus should be fed mainly on vegetarian foods. Prepared foods include algae wafers and spirulina based sinking food. Vegetables such as courgette/zucchini, and (English) cucumber are an excellent addition to the diet, along with the odd, small amount of more meaty foods. User data.
Compatibility A good complement to most aquariums, they are not aggressive to other species. Males may fight over territory if kept in too small a tank.
Suggested Tankmates Appropriate with most community fish that aren't overly big or aggressive.
Breeding Unreported.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
Down Further Information
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Last Update 2022 Jan 22 09:17 (species record created: 2009 Aug 22 08:22)