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Down Cat-eLog Data Sheet
Scientific Name Encheloclarias medialis  Ng, 2012
Common Name
Type Locality Kalimantan Tengah, Mentaya drainage, Puntu-Plantarang area, stream at 142 on Palangkaraya-Sampit road, 2°01'39.9"S, 112°59'48.2"E, Borneo, Indonesia.
Pronunciation en che low klar ee ass.
Etymology Greek, enchelys, = eel + see under Clarias From the Latin adjective medialis,meaning middle, in reference to this species’ possession of characters intermediate between those of E. curtisoma and E. kelioides.
Down Species Information
Identification Catfishes of the genus Encheloclarias are restricted to the blackwater habitats of Sundaic Southeast Asia. They are the most poorly-known of Asian clariid catfishes and are easily distinguished from Asian Clarias by the presence of a moderately long adipose fin that is not supported by extensions of the neural spines.

Encheloclarias medialis is distinguished from other Southeast Asian congeners in having the combination of 48 anal-fin rays, anal and caudal fins confluent only at their bases, gently curving dorsal margin of adipose fin, 40 postanal vertebrae, 2 indistinct serrations on the posterior margin of the pectoral spine, 7 rakers on the first ceratobranchial, body depth at anus 9.8 % SL, head length 19.2 % SL, head width 13.7 % SL, and interorbital distance 42 % HL.
Sexing In ventral view especially, females are much broader in the body than males of equal age and rearing practices.
Down Habitat Information
Distribution Known from the Mentaya River drainage in southern Borneo. It is the only species of the genus known from this part of the island.
Pacific, Greater Sunda Island Rivers, Borneo Waters, Mentaya (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
, range map and more is available on the IUCN species page. Last assessed 2018.
Down Husbandry Information
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
Down Further Information
Reference Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 23 (no. 2), pp 112, Figs. 1, 3-4.
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Last Update 2019 Oct 26 07:40 (species record created: 2012 Nov 26 11:47)