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Scientific Name Scobinancistrus cf. pariolispos     
Common Names L048, Golden Cloud Pleco
Gyldenplettet Sugemalle (Denmark)
Etymology (Latin)Scobis=Sawdust + (Greek)agkistron=hook. 
Down Species Information
Size 300mm or 11.8" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification S. pariolispos was described from Rio Tocantins material. A very similar (perhaps identical) form is also exported from the Rio Xingu and under the identity of L048. We've lumped the two together here as you cannot tell them apart from photographs. Although, beyond distribution, we've yet to see any reason why they're not all S. pariolispos, we've taken the conservative view with their identification.
Sexing Males grow larger than females. Males develop a more 'bristled' appearance that, in certain light, can shine from the light being reflected off the fish. The leading edge of the leading pectoral fin ray also becomes slightly spiny in mature males.
Down Habitat Information
Distribution L048: Rio Xingú, Pará State, Brazil
Amazon, Lower Amazon, Xingu (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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pH 5.8 - 7.2
Temperature 25.0-29.0°C or 77-84.2°F (Show species within this range)
Other Parameters Clean, clear, highly oxygenated, preferably with a noticeable current although this is not vital.
Down Husbandry Information
Feeding Sinking pellets and frozen bloodworm are ideal although all prepared foods that reach the bottom are accepted. This fish will eat most and shares with the wood-eating plecos the unusual habit of eating the skin before the flesh. Well fed fish may even leave the flesh so care should be taken to avoid decay and pollution from uneaten food. User data.
Furniture Sandy or small pea-shaped gravel with groups of rounded stones and few or no plants best reproduces this fishes natural habitat. If keeping with similarly sized plecos, arrange the aquarium to ensure there are plenty of hiding places and multiple feeding areas to diffuse feeding time 'focus'.
Compatibility A pretty and gregarious pleco much overlooked perhaps because of it's common black with white spots colouration.
Suggested Tankmates Suitable as a discus or angelfish tank pleco. Also OK with South American cichlids - a good way to brighten up any oscar tank - but might not do well with Central American cichlids due to their slightly lower temperature requirements. Perfect with rainbow fish if you don't mind breaking the biotope mould.
Breeding As yet unreported. Being one of the larger plecos the maintenance of a breeding colony remains the largest challenge - breeding would appear to be an issue of scale.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
Down Further Information
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Last Update 2018 Sep 27 06:20 (species record created: 2002 Mar 05 00:00)