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Down Cat-eLog Data Sheet
Scientific Name Peckoltia lujani  Armbruster, Werneke & Tan, 2015
Common Names L127, Lujans Pleco
L207, Lujans Sugemalle (Denmark)
Type Locality Amazonas, río Orinoco at Paso Ganado, 38 km NNW of San Fernando de Atabapo, 04.3842°, -067.7747°, Colombia.
Pronunciation peck OLE tea ah - loo HAN eye.
Etymology Peckoltia: named after Gustavo Peckolt, member of the Natural History Commission of Rondon. lujani: Named in honor of Dr. Nathan Lujan. Dr. Lujan, a former graduate student of Armbruster, has led expeditions to some of the most remote regions of South America and obtained some of the most important specimens for the study of loricariid systematics specifically as well as South American fish systematics and ecology in general. Dr. Lujan also collected the best specimens known of the species at the time of description.
Down Species Information
Size 120mm or 4.7" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Sexing Males posses an unusual 'cauliflower floret growth' on their cheeks.
Down Habitat Information
Distribution Known from the Meta Drainage near Villavicencio and the Orinoco from the mouth of the Meta to around Ciudad Bolivar.
Orinoco (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Least Concern
, range map and more is available on the IUCN species page. Last assessed 2020.
Down Husbandry Information
Furniture Rock piles and wood tangles. Plants are not vital.
Suggested Tankmates A medium sized pleco that can be combined with a very wide array of tankmates due to its unfussy nature. Perfectly safe with small fishes and shrimp or robust enough to withstand the attention of all but the largest cichlids.
Breeding A cave spawner, the images above show captive bred fry.
Breeding Reports There are 2 breeding reports, read them all here.
Down Further Information
Reference ZooKeys No. 480, pp 111, Fig. 5.
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Last Update 2022 Jan 17 12:25 (species record created: 2003 Dec 20 00:00)