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by dpm1
23 Feb 2015, 20:46
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: moonlight lighting any use/good?
Replies: 21
Views: 8278

Re: moonlight lighting any use/good?

How am I missing the point? The ability to produce red light, gives the Malacosteidae a huge advantage in the deep sea. Although the light doesn't travel very far, it lets them see their prey, without alerting the prey or any potentially curious predators. So these fish produce a red signal meant on...
by dpm1
23 Feb 2015, 15:42
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: moonlight lighting any use/good?
Replies: 21
Views: 8278

Re: moonlight lighting any use/good?

Ok maybe not an 'old wives tale' but certainly a gross simplification. Whilst its true red is attenuated quickly in water the fact is that very many freshwater fish live well within the range of such light waves and as such a simple generalisation that the colour can not be used as a visual sensory ...
by dpm1
23 Feb 2015, 13:27
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: moonlight lighting any use/good?
Replies: 21
Views: 8278

Re: moonlight lighting any use/good?

Its an old wives tale that fish no fish can see red. Simply looking at how many fish have it as their main or part of their colours and applying reasoning will soon dispelled the myth. (Note: Slighty edited to emphasise its not a clear yes/no divide).There are even fish that have alternate dark/nigh...
by dpm1
19 Feb 2015, 23:03
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Scottish government is one step closer to "positive" species list
Replies: 22
Views: 4038

Re: Scottish government is one step closer to "positive" species list

IMO the trick is to admit the problems, but also sell the positives. I don't therefore agree with the way that these arguments are currently being made on our behalf. The "hands off my hobby" slogan I find particularly distasteful... Indeed it should be a case of pushing the message about...
by dpm1
19 Feb 2015, 21:50
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Scottish government is one step closer to "positive" species list
Replies: 22
Views: 4038

Re: Scottish government is one step closer to "positive" species list

The 'size of fish thing' may not be central to the point, however it is symptomatic of why the lobbyist are currently on the verge of taking a strong lead over the fish trade organisations. The point is that the trade is seen as being very poorly self regulated - the result is a push for tighter leg...
by dpm1
18 Feb 2015, 23:39
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Happy Year of the Goat
Replies: 8
Views: 2322

Re: Happy Year of the Goat

Or Year of the Sheep if you are a follower as opposed to a leader!

Me?....I'm a Metal Pig! :d :-BD :d
by dpm1
18 Feb 2015, 22:15
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Scottish government is one step closer to "positive" species list
Replies: 22
Views: 4038

Re: Scottish government is one step closer to "positive" species list

The last posting I just made on a Dutch forum was about a lager importer in NL importing Hydrocynus vittatus, a fish growing over 1 meter length, with big teeth I think nobody in his or her right mind would keep such a monster, and this kind of stupidity is just plainly providing ammonution to our ...
by dpm1
18 Feb 2015, 22:03
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Otocinclii not eating/over eating
Replies: 8
Views: 2036

Re: Otocinclii not eating/over eating

Just noticed that some of the more lethargic ones have green stomachs... Is this something good (they ate algae) or bad (some kind of infection)? I suspect its just the light shining through their small bodies making it easy to see. Many plant eaters spend long times with little or slow movement as...
by dpm1
16 Feb 2015, 21:08
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: ABNs: Not rocket science, but a first for me. And a question about abandoned eggs
Replies: 20
Views: 5619

Re: ABNs: Not rocket science, but a first for me. And a question about abandoned eggs

I've seen both my female BN and both L205s digging to some degree, and plenty of reports from others to, so whilst its not normal behaviour its certainly nothing to be concerned about. Many fish make poor parents for the first few attempts so abandoned batches of eggs, whilst a little sad, is quite ...
by dpm1
16 Feb 2015, 20:59
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Otocinclii not eating/over eating
Replies: 8
Views: 2036

Re: Otocinclii not eating/over eating

I have both Otocinclus and Hisonotus and there is significant differences between males and females of both families as the fish are, and this is not always visible with shop fish. With luck this is the case as opposed to diet problems which accounts for a good number of newly bought fish that have ...
by dpm1
08 Feb 2015, 12:13
Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
Topic: legality of parasitic catfish?
Replies: 12
Views: 2549

Re: legality of parasitic catfish?

I doubt if the issue is specifically because they are 'parasitic catfish' which is often just a generic name for the family they belong to (some will be major parasites, others minor, some possibly not at all), rather its the more likely to be related to the possibility of them becoming an invasive ...
by dpm1
05 Feb 2015, 23:37
Forum: All Resolved Issues
Topic: Change species, keep data - not allowing updates
Replies: 7
Views: 8452

Change species, keep data - not allowing updates

Receiving the following when trying to update 'my fish' listing ...I know, I know...why didn't I get it right in the first place? Well in my defence it is Otocinclus vittatus > macrospilus so not exactly a major error, nor however is it an easily noticeable one when trying to id small tree huggers i...
by dpm1
05 Feb 2015, 23:10
Forum: Tank Talk
Topic: Terrarium as Aquarium...?
Replies: 10
Views: 4072

Re: Terrarium as Aquarium...?

Not only is it likely the glass would be thinner but also the sealant may not be tested as 100% watertight which can make the tiniest of leaks turn in to a huge torrent with the added water pressure behind it. Is it a Vivarium as opposed to a terrarium (ie primarily for animals not plants) as these ...
by dpm1
23 Jan 2015, 16:07
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Help! My Otos (vittatus) are scraped up
Replies: 7
Views: 1822

Re: Help! My Otos (vittatus) are scraped up

I would also suggest stripping the tank back removing anything that is easily lifted. Also additional water changes is rarely a bad move (rarely!...but that's a whole other story of multiple fish losses!). Also check for anything like skin and gill parasites that may not be obvious with fish that sp...
by dpm1
23 Jan 2015, 15:35
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: How many otos can I get without overstocking this tank?
Replies: 13
Views: 3284

Re: How many otos can I get without overstocking this tank?

I have both Otocinclus and Hisonotus and I don't think either one works well with the traditional fish length vs volume/surface area methods of stocking calculation, and in fact the majority of small fish dont. Virtually all my fish are oto size or smaller and so I prefer to judge stocking levels by...
by dpm1
19 Jan 2015, 22:23
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Pleco for a 40 Gallon Cube Communtiy Tank
Replies: 7
Views: 2051

Re: Pleco for a 40 Gallon Cube Communtiy Tank

How high is 'high'? I also have very soft tap water with very high pH (tds 50-130, pH 7.3-9.3) and the pH has never been a major issue - unlike the the fish killing potential of the lowest hardness figures. If the tank stabilises at pH <8.5 then I see no problem why it should be a factor in selectio...
by dpm1
12 Jan 2015, 21:44
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: What's in a name?
Replies: 21
Views: 5679

Re: What's in a name?

Sorry to the OP for hijacking his thread! Are we really saying that walking into your average LFS, the guy selling you fish knows less about what he is selling you than the guy selling you a new car or the guy selling you a pizza? Maybe this is how a chef feels at KFC. Jools Two letters, One symbol...
by dpm1
12 Jan 2015, 19:34
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: What's in a name?
Replies: 21
Views: 5679

Re: What's in a name?

I simply read too much :) I knew they had gone (Micro)Rasbora>Danio>Celestichthys>Celestichthys/Danio and it was only because I happened to spot an update on SF that I knew it had changed yet again. I try to get shops to keep their labels up to date, or at least get the common names for common speci...
by dpm1
12 Jan 2015, 18:56
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: What's in a name?
Replies: 21
Views: 5679

Re: What's in a name?

Galaxy Rasbora are now known as Celestial Pearl Danios, although most shops called them the former. Also they are neither Rasbora nor Danios having recently been reclassified again but 'Celestial Pearl Celestichthys' does have the same ring to it. Actually they are danios. I actually had an argumen...
by dpm1
12 Jan 2015, 18:55
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: What's in a name?
Replies: 21
Views: 5679

Re: What's in a name?

Galaxy Rasbora are now known as Celestial Pearl Danios, although most shops called them the former. Also they are neither Rasbora nor Danios having recently been reclassified again but 'Celestial Pearl Celestichthys' does have the same ring to it. Actually they are danios. I actually had an argumen...
by dpm1
12 Jan 2015, 18:53
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: What's in a name?
Replies: 21
Views: 5679

Re: What's in a name?

Galaxy Rasbora are now known as Celestial Pearl Danios, although most shops called them the former. Also they are neither Rasbora nor Danios having recently been reclassified again but 'Celestial Pearl Celestichthys' does have the same ring to it. Actually they are danios. I actually had an argumen...
by dpm1
12 Jan 2015, 17:31
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: What's in a name?
Replies: 21
Views: 5679

Re: What's in a name?

*warning - non-catfish species named below... well I did warn you!* My advice for dealing with fish store staff*: never, ever use scientific names (it just confuses them and sometimes makes them angry), but never, ever use common names either, as this also results in confusion. In fact, it's best no...
by dpm1
06 Jan 2015, 22:58
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Substrate?
Replies: 9
Views: 4368

Re: Substrate?

I have 1mm sand in a couple of tanks, 2-3mm gravel in others. My corys show zero difference in their habits or bartbel size/health if moved between the two types. I have also had peppered corys on 5mm+ gravel without issue, although I wouldn't use it for pygmys as I fear they would fall in the gaps ...
by dpm1
05 Jan 2015, 14:28
Forum: Suggestions, Feature Requests and Enhancements
Topic: "Like" feature?
Replies: 49
Views: 17067

Re: "Like" feature?

You can't please everyone every time - with a +1/like feature I'm sure some will still post a simple '+1' or :d Maybe it will make threads a little cleaner, and if implement well it may reduce server loads (although I suspect it will just move it across with only slightly savings) I don't consider t...
by dpm1
05 Jan 2015, 12:54
Forum: Suggestions, Feature Requests and Enhancements
Topic: "Like" feature?
Replies: 49
Views: 17067

Re: "Like" feature?

I also not a huge fan of those posts that are simply composed of a :d or +1 (especially if its following a very long quote!) If bothering to spend time writing a post then why not add a suporting line? Eg. From: +1 To: +1. I agree it's a very good idea. Short, simple and far more informative than a ...
by dpm1
05 Jan 2015, 12:37
Forum: All Resolved Issues
Topic: Question about most kept species
Replies: 11
Views: 8110

Re: Question about most kept species woodcats dont even come under the most common family listing let alone top species!...better take more care of them...(actually only 6 keepers and little info anywhere so this isn't a surprise and far from likely error) However the % on species is also wrong elsewhere Eg Callichthyidae (no ...
by dpm1
04 Jan 2015, 20:33
Forum: Suggestions, Feature Requests and Enhancements
Topic: "Like" feature?
Replies: 49
Views: 17067

Re: "Like" feature?

Will the smart tracking be an option or enforced? If compulsary then opt in or opt out? Would it be available for new profiles only, or for all eg option placed on individuals profile pages. .... The issue for me isn't simply being against in-forum data collection, how it's implemented is the krux r...
by dpm1
04 Jan 2015, 18:39
Forum: All Resolved Issues
Topic: Spawning report
Replies: 8
Views: 1412

Re: Spawning report

Just added another report and it went in fine first time. That's the historical data done, now to crack on with a new species...

Great work!!!
by dpm1
03 Jan 2015, 16:07
Forum: Suggestions, Feature Requests and Enhancements
Topic: "Like" feature?
Replies: 49
Views: 17067

Re: "Like" feature?

I'm with bekateen on disliking things too customised around my previois searches. Some people may like to stick to one particular niche but I hover at the top of the forum tree and delve in to threads not just of they are about my 'wish list' but often simply if thy catch my eye with an interesting ...
by dpm1
03 Jan 2015, 14:52
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: rescue with a synodontis ill-treated
Replies: 170
Views: 41819

Re: rescue with a synodontis ill-treated

Getting the fish through the first 24hrs and having it feeding (amd expelling waste) is always a good sign.

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