id on this cory please

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id on this cory please

Post by firemouth126 »

Bought it as a black venezuelan but been told its a black schultzie, help please
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Re: id on this cory please

Post by Borbi »


That's the bred black variety of Corydoras schultzei (if I'm not mistaken still technically a synonym of Corydoras aeneus).

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Re: id on this cory please

Post by firemouth126 »

So ive been mis sold them then, payed nealy £18 for 3
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Re: id on this cory please

Post by Mol_PMB »

Probably 30% of all Cories in local fish shops are sold by the wrong species name!
£6 each is certainly a fair price for those in my opinion; I've seen them on sale for double that in some shops.
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Re: id on this cory please

Post by firemouth126 »

Just glad i havent been ripped off, still a lovely cory
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Re: id on this cory please

Post by Karsten S. »

firemouth126 wrote:Bought it as a black venezuelan but been told its a black schultzie, help please
the name "black venezuelan" (or similar) is very frequently misused.

This name has been given to a (wild) dark aeneus variant from Venezuela which is not available in the trade.
Sandor's explanation and ID is absolutely right.


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