Mitochondrial genome of Ancistrus temmincki

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Mitochondrial genome of Ancistrus temmincki

Post by bekateen »

I was glad to see that this paper used wild-caught fish sourced from an appropriate location. So many different fish show up in pet stores as A. temmincki, I would otherwise be concerned of misidentification.

Fang Meng, Xiaolong Yin, Tao Zhang, Chunyan Zhao, Xianglong Xue, Xianglong Xia, Xintao Zhu, Zaixian Duan, Bingjian Liu & Yifan Liu (2021) The first determination and analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of Ancistrus temmincki (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 6:5, 1583-1585, DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2020.1866446 ... 20.1866446
In order to fully comprehend the evolution and kinship of fishes in the family of Loricariidae, the complete mitochondrial genome of the Loricariidae fish was firstly characterized in the present study. The whole mitogenome was 16,657 bp in size and consisted of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs genes, a control region and origin of light-strand replication. The proportion of coding sequences with a total length of 11,473 bp was 68.88%, which encoded 3,813 amino acids. The genome composition was highly A + T biased (56.29%), and exhibited AT-skew (0.0661) and a negative GC-skew (–0.2740). All protein-coding genes were started with ATG except for GTG in CO1, while stopped with the standard TAN codons or a single T. The control region (D-loop) ranging from 15,635 bp to 16,657 bp was 1023 bp in size. Until now, there is hardly any studies on the complete mitochondrial sequence in the genus of Ancistrus, phylogenetic analysis showed that A. temmincki was most closely related to Ancistrus cryptophthalmus in the genus of Ancistrus. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence has provided a new insight into the taxonomic classification, and a more complex picture of the species diversity within the family of Loricariidae.
Keywords: Ancistrus temmincki, mitochondrial genome, evolutionary relationship
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