Oh, as in the former planet Pluto? Good question.MatsP wrote:Does this belong in the Glossary?
Revision - (Taxonomy) To re-examine a species, genera or family to correct mistakes/inconsistancies and possibly make changes to the status of described taxa.
Better explanations welcome....
Minor re-write:bronzefry wrote:Oh, as in the former planet Pluto? Good question.MatsP wrote:Does this belong in the Glossary?
Revision - (Taxonomy) To re-examine a species, genera or family to correct mistakes/inconsistancies and possibly make changes to the status of described taxa.
Better explanations welcome....
natefrog wrote:Oxbow may also apply to a river type that consists of many "u" shaped meanders in a rivers course, not only the lakes that are formed when the river changes course and cuts the "u" off from the river channel.
No, it's just synonym is a link from the catelog pages that doesn't go anywhere...bronzefry wrote:Jools,
Is there something in the definitions already there we should change?
under sexing for Ancistrus claro (and possibly others.)The vermiform lines are found predominantly on males.
I think it should go in. Amanda?Shovelnose wrote:How about tautonomy???
If you're still deliberating oophagy, its usage is not confined to intrauterine egg eating. It refers broadly to any animal that subsists primarily by eating eggs. Consider, for example, the specialized egg eating snakes that swallow eggs whole, crush the shells, then emit the empty shells; they are considered oophagous. So AFAIK, any fish that survives mainly on eggs practices oophagy. What it does not include is any fish that eats eggs opportunistically but gains most of its nutrition from other foods (like my albino BNs).Shovelnose wrote:From what I understand, oophagy could refer only to intrauterine cannibalism.
Thanks for clarifying Eric!!bekateen wrote: It refers broadly to any animal that subsists primarily by eating eggs. Consider, for example, the specialized egg eating snakes that swallow eggs whole, crush the shells, then emit the empty shells; they are considered oophagous.