Ancistrus tamboensis?

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Ancistrus tamboensis?

Post by AleGer »

Hello everyone:)

I've purchased an Ancistrus tamboensis а couple weeks ago. It's came as Ancistrus tamboensis L89. Could anybody tell exactly whether it is Ancistrus tamboensis L89?
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Re: Ancistrus tamboensis?

Post by MatsP »

The fish in the picture doesn't look like . But that fish is also not listed as , so I guess that this could be why. However, your fish doesn't look any more like A. tamboensis than it does A. sp(L089) - these two look fairly similar but come from quite far apart, L89 from Lower Rio Negro and exported from Manaus in Brazil, A. tamboensis comes from Peru, so there should be little reason for a wholesaler/exporter to confuse the two - they would come from different countries when they come into the wholesaler.

It may be that your fish is still young, and that it will change colouration as it grows up.

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Re: Ancistrus tamboensis?

Post by Barbie »

It actually looks most like my , if I had to make a guess.

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Re: Ancistrus tamboensis?

Post by Yann »

Or Ancistrus sp "Rio Tocantins" could also be a possibility!!
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Re: Ancistrus tamboensis?

Post by AleGer »

Hello :)

Thanks everybody for reply.
It actually looks most like my Ancistrus sp(l159), if I had to make a guess.
Yes, I think it may be an Ancistrus sp(l159).
But, I looked at photos of Ancistrus sp "Rio Tocantins" and my fishes are really look like Ancistrus sp "Rio Tocantins".

There is almost no information about Ancistrus sp "Rio Tocantins". Could you tell me about this fish? How long does it grows? In what temperature do you keep it? And, of course, has anybody spawned it?
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Re: Ancistrus tamboensis?

Post by MatsP »

I'm wondering if L159 and A. sp Rio Tocantins aren't actually the same species. Although L159 says it comes from Xingu, it's not that many stone's throws to R. tocantins from Rio Xingu, and it's not that unusual that the exporters merge batches from different places. It certainly wouldn't be the first time something has been exported "from the wrong river". These two certainly look similar, but very different from any other Ancistrus species I've seen.

Barbie, you have sp Rio Tocantins listed in your "My Catfish", but you say "looks like my L159", but you don't have that species listed - could it be that you mean the Rio Tocantins, or is your "My Catfish" incomplete [or when you say "my", you actually don't mean your personal, but your shop's fish, perhaps?]

To AleGer: Yes, the Rio Tocantins have been spawned [by Yann?] as obvious by the baby pictures in the Cat-eLog shows.
Temperature should be in around 28'C I would guess - that's at least what other fish in that area "expects". Soft water, moderately low pH (around 6.5 or so). I would expect it to grow to a medium-sized fish, around 125-150mm (5-6 inches).

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Re: Ancistrus tamboensis?

Post by Yann »

Hi Mats!!
Actually I am not so sure... yes the share the same genus and a similar pattern
The differences that I have seen between the 2 is that L159 is lighter coloured that the spTocantins
The vermiculate black lines are not as numerous and not as well defined!!
Surely 2 very colsely related species, morphological measurement would be able to say if what ever that one and unique...still I woundn't considered them as fully as one...and would see both as geopgraphical variation which should not be mixed together!!

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Re: Ancistrus tamboensis?

Post by Barbie »

The fish I am calling L159 were actually purchased as L89, which they patently are not. I know I added them to the my cats list a while back and I can't remember for sure why I didn't list them as L159, to be honest, but I've since determined that I'm pretty sure it's what they are. Thanks for reminding me. I need to take the time to get my list current and information filled in. Anyone have any spare time they'd be willing to sell? Trade? Anyone? ;)

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Re: Ancistrus tamboensis?

Post by AleGer »

Here are some more photos of my Ansistrus sp.

I think, it is more look like Ancistrus sp. `rio_tocantins` then Ancistrus sp. (L159) or Ancistrus tamboensis.
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