L144 Eggs

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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L144 Eggs

Post by vicki »

Hi, 3 dats ago i found that my L144 have breed for the first time but they kicked the eggs out, i now have them in a sieve with an air stone under them, im just wondering how long they will take to hatch? they are orange and if the eggs were not fertilized would they have turned white and fungasy by now?
cheers vicki :d
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Re: L144 Eggs

Post by Andreass1989 »

hei vicki :) congrats with L-144 eggs but sad they got kicked out:) a young father mabey:). but when they are orange its not that long:) i think around 3-4 days and they wil be out:). if this is your first time so remember to feed them well if not they wil die fast:(
good luck and have fun with them :)
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Joined: 06 Dec 2012, 00:57
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Re: L144 Eggs

Post by vicki »

Thanks so much for your reply, the L144 are first time breeders and there only about 8 months old. Ive hatched plenty of pep eggs this way but these ones seem to be developing a bit slower, ive checked on them this morning and im happy to say that i can actually see them starting to form, i will post some pictures of there progress over the next few day. Thanks again :d
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