Can't upload new picture

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Can't upload new picture

Post by andieb »

I'm trying to replace an old picture of my fish with a new one in "MyCats". When I select "choose file" and select the correct picture, then click "save & publish" the picture that is displayed is the old one. When I instead tick the box to delete the old picture, then hit "save & publish", the old picture is gone, but then when I click "Upload your image of your fish" and then select "choose file" and select the new picture, then hit "save & publish", again the old picture reappears. Thinking this might be a bug. Thanks for any help.
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Re: Can't upload new picture

Post by Jools »

It could be a bug, or it could be the browser not displaying the new image due to a caching issue. Can you try uploading the new picture again and let me know when it's done?


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Re: Can't upload new picture

Post by Jools »

Just archiving this one as I didn't hear back.

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