Corydoras gossei

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Corydoras gossei

Post by Manoah »


I tried searching for the habitat of corydoras gossei but the most specific information i could get was “ a small creek near guajara mirim”

Does anybody know a little bit more information on the habitat or exact location where that creek is? Maybe some info like: are there leaves, what kind of substrate, what kind of water, how deep, lot of flow or little flow?

Thank you in advance manoah
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Re: Corydoras gossei

Post by Acanthicus »


its in the area of the border between Bolivia and Brazil, but on the brazilian side. Check it out on google maps and you will easily find it. The exact location is not given anywhere, but I expect the species to have a rather large distribution in the region. Most likely in creeks with clear water, a sandy bottom and not as warm as one might associate it with first. I have been there once, but didnt collect this species unfortunately.
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Re: Corydoras gossei

Post by Manoah »

Acanthicus wrote: 16 Jan 2024, 16:38 HI,

its in the area of the border between Bolivia and Brazil, but on the brazilian side. Check it out on google maps and you will easily find it. The exact location is not given anywhere, but I expect the species to have a rather large distribution in the region. Most likely in creeks with clear water, a sandy bottom and not as warm as one might associate it with first. I have been there once, but didnt collect this species unfortunately.

Oh thank you for the awnser. Have you seen any plants in the regeon? This is how there biotope is scaped now. Is this kind of accurate in some way? There is also c. Aeneus in there. And maybe you know a tetra species for it
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Re: Corydoras gossei

Post by Acanthicus »


I have never seen submerse plants in the biotopes there, in general most running waters in the area are not home to aquatic vegetation. Your tank looks spot on! I'd add some more wood, maybe a large piece, behind which they can hide, but that would be all. Iguanodectes are living in the same area, so do some smaller Hemigrammus (and many more), but they are hard to find in trade, so I'd go for what you like and can get hold of.
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Re: Corydoras gossei

Post by Manoah »

Acanthicus wrote: 22 Mar 2024, 11:28 Hi,

I have never seen submerse plants in the biotopes there, in general most running waters in the area are not home to aquatic vegetation. Your tank looks spot on! I'd add some more wood, maybe a large piece, behind which they can hide, but that would be all. Iguanodectes are living in the same area, so do some smaller Hemigrammus (and many more), but they are hard to find in trade, so I'd go for what you like and can get hold of.

Thank you. Is it more woody and leaves on the bottom or is it more rocky?
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Re: Corydoras gossei

Post by Acanthicus »

More branches and leaves for sure, just a few big boulders here and there, behind which the current creates small holes where leaves etc. gather and form a nice hiding place for fish such as the Corydoras.
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