Mission : We want to get accurate, defensible data into as many Cat-eLog species entries as possible to allow all users to record what fish they are keeping, how they are keeping and breeding them.
This is facilitated by the following four sub-forums.
Bugs : For the reporting of bugs, error messages or things being down / unavailable.
Cat-eLog data issues: Incorrect ID? New info to be added, taxonomic revisions and any kind of changes to the data we currently hold in here please!
Suggestions, Feature Requests and Enhancements: For the discussion, definition and tracking of new features to the site.
All Resolved Issues: A historical forum for issues reported in the suggestions and bugs forum that have been subsequently fixed or resolved.
This "Cat-eLog data issues" forum can be used for the discussion of data in the cat-elog and for the suggestion of new data. Although only the "data team" can submit data using the links on each cat-elog page, anyone can post in this forum with things to add or change.
Picture galleries are great and a good initial tool in identifying species; but what then? Our goal must be to provide as much data as possible (gleaned from grass roots knowledge, through hobby literature and from scientific work) to facilitate their best possible care and the wider distribution and discussion of knowledge of the catfishes. This might sound a bit grandiose but this site has always had high ambitions and is building a grand legacy.
Topic naming conventions
It helps if you put "BUG,"CLOG", "ENHANCE" at the start of each topic but it's even more helpful to put it in the right sub forum! Topics about the Cat-eLog should typically be named after a single species or genus and please use CLOG tags - that makes a big difference to the team. In the others a name of the specific function of the site or error message is a good topic subject line.
Genera level information
This is an important concept. Our database holds data for each genus as well as species. If a particular data item is true of the whole genus, then MAKE THIS CLEAR in your post. A good example: Sexing spp. based on thickening of pectoral fin rays. A bad example: spawning using the "T position method". The good example is good because it is true of all species in the genera (there are only 2). The bad example is bad because while it is generally true of most of the genus (and there are around 150 species!), not all of them have spawned in captivity and there is certainly room for deviation from this statement.
I'm not a moderator or anything, can I help?
Sure! If you are not a member of the data team, then you post in here and we'll pick it up. Once you have a few good submissions under your belt, I'm sure we'll be asking you to join the data team.
I don't have any information but I have got some pics
We're always happy to use good quality pictures on the site and you can see that literally hundreds of you have already have. Pictures submission guidelines can be found here. However, we are hoping to back up all these wonderful pictures with good reliable text, the emphasis is shifting a little here, so right now, data submissions will take priority over image submissions.
I have found and error in data in the Cat-eLog (or at least I want to query it)
Post in the Cat-eLog sub forum to open a discussion. All views are welcome. At the end of the day, it's my decision that is final, but I'm a reasonable guy.

Credit for data submitted
With such a diverse, open community it would be impossible to sensibly give visual credit for individual items of knowledge contributed. There is a considerable debt owed to the members of the data team, and no small prestige attached to being an active member of the team.
Any questions on the above, just reply to this sticky.