L066 - another crack at the exotics :)

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L066 - another crack at the exotics :)

Post by silvernes »

Well I'm taking on my second exotic pleco (you don't what to know what happened to elvis) at least on I'd like to consider exotic .. the King Tiger!! :).

I've read the fantastic article on spawning them, but was just wondering if there was any extra info I should know before I pick him up on the weekend ($50 for an adult male :) just being sold because owner doesn't have room I'm pretty happy with this deal).

He's going into a 120 with clown loaches, tinfoil barbs, guppies, corydoras & 2 goldfish (it's a story). Lots of hiding spots, thought the clown loaches kinda have one major cave & the cory another so I'm guessing I'll be adding more soon :D.

Fake plants, no driftwood (well one resin peice :D), slate & lavarock. Is any of this a problem?

I'll be happy to make any change that will accomidate him as long as they aren't detrimental to the other fish.

Any special dietary needs? The tank get LOTS of fresh vegetables (spinach, zucinni, grean beans, etc.) & then shrimp pellets, algea discs, frozen/fresh & free-dried insects.

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Re: L066 - another crack at the exotics :)

Post by troi »

silvernes wrote:Any special dietary needs? The tank get LOTS of fresh vegetables (spinach, zucinni, grean beans, etc.) & then shrimp pellets, algea discs, frozen/fresh & free-dried insects. Nes.
He's gonna want meat. I feed mine Hikari sinking carnivoir pellets, which they love. They also get blood worms now and them and seem to harvest snails--and some tubifex I got stupid and gave them, and who moved in and bred.

The L066 is a pretty shy plec for all the exhibits of happy bickering and may not compete well for the pellets in that tank. Loaches are theives. L066 doesn't really need the veggies although I feed mine some gel based Formula II now and then.

Good luck, these are GREAT fish.

I would suggest a smaller tank of his own, myself, and maybe a buddy.

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Post by Chill »

Mine run on Discus bits supplied by Frozen artemia and ocasionally beef heart(small amounts)

I have 2 breeding pairs in the same 160 liter tank, so you might say I am extremly lucky. They don't fight and the fry are left alone.
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Post by EDGE »

What is the typical life span of a king tiger pleco? I have 3 wild purchased in 98. I haven't try spawning them yet.
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