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Down Cat-eLog Data Sheet
Scientific Name Bagrus docmak  (Fabricius, 1775)
Common Name Semutundu
Type Locality Lower Nile river delta, Egypt.
Synonym(s) Bagrus docmac docmac, Bagrus docmac niger, Bagrus koenigi, Porcus docmac, Porcus docmac docmac, Porcus docmac niger, Silurus docmak
Pronunciation BAG russ - DOCK mack
Etymology The generic name comes from the Mozarabic bagre, taken from the Greek pagros, meaning a fish (Dentex sp.). The origin of the specific epithet is unclear and may come from a local name of the fish.
Down Species Information
Size 1270mm or 50" SL. Find near, nearer or same sized spp.
Identification Distinguished in having dorsal fin rays hardly or not filamentous and head width 1.4-1.6 times in head length.
Sexing Males have an elongate genital papilla in front of the anal fin.
General Remarks Widespread in both shallow and deep water. Feeds on insects, crustaceans, mollusks and fish.
Down Habitat Information
Distribution Africa: Nile, Niger, Senegal, Volta and Lake Chad basins. East African rift lakes, except Lake Kivu, where it was introduced in 1959 and 1960, apparently without success.
African Waters, Eastern Rift Valley Lakes (click on these areas to find other species found there)
African Waters, Nile (click on these areas to find other species found there)
African Waters, Nigeria Waters, Niger (click on these areas to find other species found there)
African Waters, Volta (click on these areas to find other species found there)
African Waters, Sénégal (click on these areas to find other species found there)
African Waters, Chad (click on these areas to find other species found there)

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IUCN Red List Category
Least Concern
, range map and more is available on the IUCN species page. Last assessed 2019.
pH 6.4 - 8.2
Temperature 21.0-27.0°C or 69.8-80.6°F (Show species within this range)
Down Husbandry Information
Feeding Readily feeds on live/frozen foods and other prepared foods such as pellets. Will eat smaller fishes. User data.
Furniture Provide plenty of driftwood as hiding places.
Compatibility Although young fish can be kept with other fish of equal or larger sizes, adult fish are aggressive and should be kept alone.€
Breeding Not reported.
Breeding Reports There is no breeding report.
Down Further Information
Reference Descriptiones animalium (Forsskål), pp 65, xiii.
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Last Update 2020 Nov 08 06:21 (species record created: 2001 Apr 13 00:00)