Info on S. batesii

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Info on S. batesii

Post by rahendricks »

It seems I may have purchased an S. batesii believing it to be S. marmoratus. Does anyone have any experience in keeping them? The tank this fish was intended for is a 200L, heavily planted, and already has a group of S. nigroventris as well as Cories, Dianemas, and Tetras. Will it be a peaceful addition? Does S. batesii do better as a loner or in a group? The dealer has two more available. Thank you for your help.
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Post by Birger »

I have not kept these.....but If it was me I would go get the other two, of course depending on price, health,funds etc., I know in a recent thread I recommended higher numbers for syno's but sometimes a person has to pick up what they can when they can.
I do not see a problem keepng them with the fish you already have, should be a nice addition, but maybe you can let us know how they do with the others.
It would be interesting as well to see how large yours end up growing.
Maybe we will hear from some of the registered keepers.
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Post by Lornek8 »

I also bought ir as S. marmoratus. It stays out of the way of other fish & isn't at all aggressive. It'll hide most of the time but comes out to eat. I think it makes a great community fish (despite never really seeing it) but it can be outcompeted for food. Not as territorial as other Synos. Eats most everything.
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Post by Dave Rinaldo »

I don't see any problem housing this fish with what you mention.

Being me...I would buy the other two :shock:

I have 7 at this time.

Here is an old thread.
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Post by Richard B »

S.Batesii is a small species & in a 200L tank should be fine in a group with the other species you mention.
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Post by rahendricks »

Sorry, somehow I missed that earlier thread when I searched. These were exported from Zaire. The LFS is asking about $18 (U.S.) for each, which isn't bad compared to what some of the other syno's are fetching. Cat-eLog puts the size at 11.5 cm, is that about what you're finding or are they staying smaller?
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Post by Richard B »

In my experience, 4inches max - we Brits (well some of us anyway), still stick to imperial measurements
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