Yellow Bullhead - Check it out!

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Yellow Bullhead - Check it out!

Post by The13redi »

This is my yellow Bullhead catfish, I have had him for about 7-8 months. He eats minnows, meal worms, and earthworms. He started out in a 10 Gallon and now he's cruizin in my 75 Gallon tank. He came from a Northern Lake in San Diego, Lake Wohlford. He only comes out at night most of the time, right when you turn off all the lights. Cool cat, never had any problems with him, really resilient to fungus and what not. Check him out.................



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My cats species list: 7 (i:1, k:0)
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Location 2: Omaha, ne
Interests: Fishing, Biking, Aquariums. I used to have 22 carfish representing 5 different contenents, including thailand, the amazon, and the congo. In January of 2008 I had a power outage during the coldest weekend of the year while I was out of town. I lost all but my spotted bullhead and my synodontis oceliffer.

Re: Yellow Bullhead - Check it out!

Post by wwajfd »

, I have been raising bullheads since 1993, They don't live very long though, the oldest one I ever had was about 3 and a half years old, but it was a 14 inch black bullhead in a 55 gallon aquarium. His name was Phfydeauex (fido). I have found that bullheads will eat anything, from cheerios to cat food and even popcorn, but I have found that the ones I have had over the years didn't like Wardley Pond ten, it just clouded the water. For a few years they had a steady diet of guppies.
I have found that bullheads are the cleanest fish I have ever had; I rarely pull anything out of the gravel during hydro cleaning. They retain about %95 of what they eat. For a few years they had a steady diet of guppies which is a great source of protein for larger fish But every once in a while Phfydeauex would pass a calcium deposit which resembled a small chunk of coral.
I have even had bullheads Breed in a 20 gallon aquarium. In the wild bullheads lay thousands of eggs and young bullheads will swim in columns that are practically black. but in captivity the parent fish will consume most of the young if not separated.
My most recent bullhead is a spotted bullhead which is from the Carolinas. His name in Tim Buck 3. It is my first experience with spotted bullheads. He craves attention. He begs for food. They are very affectionate and a slow grower. And spotted bullheads don't as big as black or yellow bullheads. I hope you have as much fin with your bullhead as I have had with mine affectionate and a slow grower. And spotted bullheads don't as big as black or yellow bullheads. I hope you have as much fun with your bullhead as I have had with mine.
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Re: Yellow Bullhead - Check it out!

Post by kydsexy »

i have 2 yellow bullheads currently, i got them to spawn, but i had to design a tank specifically for spawning. how did you get them to spawn? in the wild, the burrow into the mud. i had a 75 setup with a massive amount of miracle mud and water from the stream they were caught in. worked out pretty well but could not raise the first fry past 2 weeks.
Posts: 9
Joined: 30 Apr 2008, 00:43
My cats species list: 7 (i:1, k:0)
My aquaria list: 2 (i:0)
Location 2: Omaha, ne
Interests: Fishing, Biking, Aquariums. I used to have 22 carfish representing 5 different contenents, including thailand, the amazon, and the congo. In January of 2008 I had a power outage during the coldest weekend of the year while I was out of town. I lost all but my spotted bullhead and my synodontis oceliffer.

Re: Yellow Bullhead - Check it out!

Post by wwajfd »

I don't know how i got them to spawn. it just happened. By the time I found them there was only 1 that servived. but it lived for about 3 years.
Water plants save lives in a power outage.
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