Corydoras Aeneus/Sterbai Black - Advice & a few pics

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Corydoras Aeneus/Sterbai Black - Advice & a few pics

Post by Supercoley1 »

Hello I have 6 Cory Aeneus/Sterbai Black that I acclimatised last Tuesday and have several questions.

Question 1 - After the 5 or so days 5 of them are displaying the usual behaviour of dancing in the powerhead and filter flows whilst lights are out and foraging the substrate when lights are on. The last one is quite lethargic although he/she is still eating. This one is smaller than the others (3cm compared to 4cm) and tends to have long rest periods inbetween a bit of foraging and it will stay on the substrate (in the open, not hiding.) Only moves in these 'rest' periods when disturbed by another inhabitant. I was wondering if maybe one isnt doing so well.

Question 2 - I would quite like them to spawn but am not intending to remove eggs into containers etc. Can I expect any survivors from the eggs if I leave them in situ within the tank? The only foods I have are frozen bloodworm, tetra flakes, tetra pellets, first bites and catfish algae pellets. I have previously had livebearer fry surviving (who hasn't lol) and several spawns from Rams where the female ended up eating the fry as soon as they got too much for her (5 days or so old and free swimming).

Question 3 - There are a lot of contradicting statements on the net r.e. temperatures for Corys. I have read that for mine 23-24C is best. With this in mind I am gradually turning the heating down from the 26C that it was. The 26C was more for the other inhabitants in the tank which are cherry shrimp and microrasbora erythromicron. will this reduction be OK for them?

Question 4 - I usually use Waterlife Sterazin and run the 15 day course when I introduce new fish but haven't with these as the label has some confusing info r.e. some catfish etc. Can I use it or should I just leave it.

Any other info you think may be useful would help.

Details of my tank:
1. Water parameters
a) Temperature range - Am resetting to 24C at the moment from previous 26C
b) pH. 6.4 - 7.2 (CO2 injection do normally between 6.4 and 6.6)
c) GH. ????
d) KH ????
e)Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, leavels. ????
f) Water change frequency - 10% weekly
No idea on the other tests because I tend to watch fish reactions and plants rather than testing.

2. Tank set up
a) Size - 125ltr
b) Substrate - From the bottom to the top - Mulm, Leonardite, Tropica Plant Substrate, fine play sand.
c) Filtration - Tetratec EX700 filter. There is also a powerhead rated at 400lph. These 2 give a combined lph of just under 10x tank volume. 1100lph for 125ltr tank
d) Furnishings - Heavily planted (80%) with a foreground of plain sand. Hardscape is redmoor wood.
e) Other tank mates - cherry shrimp and microrasbora erythromicron
f) How long has it been set-up? Since October 2006

Here are a few pics of them (very hard to get decent focused images of the group at the mo as they are on the move so much therefore these are mainly individual pics)

This is a pic of their new home:

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Re: Double post please remove

Post by Marc van Arc »

You can do that yourself by clicking the X in the right top corner of your post.

Welcome to PC btw.
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Re: Double post please remove

Post by Supercoley1 »

Thanks for the welcome. I have been using the site for a few years as I have had LDA25 plecs and commons before (the latter inherited and I had to rehome) Just registered today though.

Where is the X? I cant see one.

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Re: Double post please remove

Post by Jools »

To the right of the edit button. You want to click on the one in the first post...

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Re: Corydoras Aeneus/Sterbai Black - Advice & a few pics

Post by Karsten S. »

Hi Andy,

first of all, your corys are Corydoras schultzei "black" which is a variety (cultivated form) of C. schultzei which is officially still a synonym of C. aeneus. (Your fish have nothing in common with C. sterbai.)

When you have enough hiding places for the fry I would expect you will find youngsters every now and then. Especially java moss is good for them to hide and to find food.
25-26 °C should also be ok as C. schultzei is imported from some affluents from the amazonas in Peru.


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Re: Corydoras Aeneus/Sterbai Black - Advice & a few pics

Post by Supercoley1 »

I actually made a mistake when typing in Sterbai. I had read that there was some confusion which it was (Aeneus/Schultzei) and then typed the wrong S .lol

My tank is very heavily planted with lots of hiding places but nothing like moss. I'm afraid I'm not a big fan of the look of moss so I don't use it in my scapes anymore. However the baby shrimp are surviving easily and thriving so maybe the corys (should they spawn) may have the same luck.

I've actually got the temperature down to 24ºC now and all the blacks seem to love it. All the other inhabitants seem OK with it too so no probs there.

Thanks for your advice though. Hopefully I may get some fry eventually.

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