My L333 suddenly refuse to breed?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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My L333 suddenly refuse to breed?

Post by Hypan »

I have breeding group of L333 which have spawned a few times already. They are still quite young. But I was led to believe once they start they don't stop. Well mine have stopped lol. Water is Quality (I live in Scotland). Nothing has changed in the tank apart from a internal k1 moving filter. But I'm sure that was there last spawn.
I have added power heads for flow. Cold water changes and all the normal ways to get them going. But for last year they just refuse. Any help appreciated
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Re: My L333 suddenly refuse to breed?

Post by bekateen »

Hi Hypan,

Have you read this thread? viewtopic.php?f=5&t=41872

Good luck, Eric
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Re: My L333 suddenly refuse to breed?

Post by Hypan »

Wow thanks. That's a quite a big thread. I skimmed over it but will read in full when I have more time.
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Re: My L333 suddenly refuse to breed?

Post by Hypan »

Lots and lots of information in there. I'm relatively new to fish keeping compared to some of you experts.
I'm now edging on the side of putting a small bag of coral sand in the tank.
I also have some shells my wee boy collected at the beech.

Is that the right thing to do? Or have I read it all wrong lol.
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Re: My L333 suddenly refuse to breed?

Post by bekateen »

Hi Hypan,
I'm no expert, so before you make any changes, you might want to wait for more feedback from others. And they might want more specific info about your tank and its setup.
Cheers, Eric
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Re: My L333 suddenly refuse to breed?

Post by Barbie »

Did you lose any fish in the group? Add any other fish? Change caves? Change temperature? How warm are you keeping them? How do they look? Gravid? What are you feeding? More info please ;).

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Re: My L333 suddenly refuse to breed?

Post by yannick62 »

i can't help you.
But I have a friend who have keep L 333 during 5 years in the same tanks.
He says : L333 can breed 2 ou 4 times in six months and after they stay one year with any spawn. Nothink.
And there aren't any explication, no modification in the tank.
He says : You must be patient but I known It's very very difficult.
Yannick Mesnage
France (North near Lille)
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