Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

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Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by jodilynn »

Hello everyone,

I am in desperate need if help, my S. nigriventris "Fred" is extremely bloated. I tried to snap a picture but when I went to grab my camera he moved to a cave. I will try to get a picture if I can. This started about four days ago. He and "Barney" were moved to my 40 gallon tank about two weeks ago. All was well but I noticed he was bloated as I was doing my water change Sunday. He is now puffed up to about 3 times his normal size. 😓

I tested the water Monday, I was shocked to find my nitrates at 180ppm. Upon investigating I found my very large mystery snail deceased at the back of the tank in the plants. I immediately did a 30% water change and have continued to do so every evening, dosing with Prime.

Temp 78.6
Nitrate 80 (still to high may go with a higher dose of Prime)
Nitrite 0
Total Hardness GH 300
(yes my water is very hard)
Chlorine 0 (well water)
Alkalinity 180
PH 7.8
Filtration: Penquin 200 with two filter pads and an added nitrate removal pad
Internal filter with a Fluval polishing pad, two sponges, a carbon pad and ceramic filter media (changed Fluval and carbon pad last night)
Tankmates: 3 Angels (50 cent piece size) 2 two inch Gold Barbs, two Penguin Tets (rest died of old age and I haven't been able to find any to replace them) 3 Zamoras, 3 bumblebees (SA), 3 small Mystus, a small pleco (too stressed to look up the L number, only about 1.5 inches long)and two very large Grass Shrimp. 25-50% water change weekly.

What can I do? I haven't been feeding anyone but the shrimp (powdered food with a bit of tank water and spot fed with a dropper).

I a hospital tank with a bumper crop of baby platies that I can temporarily rehouse if needed.

Epsom salt? Melafix? Kanaplex? I have every medication under the sun so I am sure I can medicate this poor guy. I am sure he is suffering and it is just killing me right now 😥.

Note: All other tanks tested normal ( 1.5 gal Betta tank two 2.5 gal a 3 gal two 5 gal two 10 gal and my 55). Water comes out of tap with about 5 ppm of Nitrate. 50% Water changes on small tanks weekly 25-40% on the 40 and 55.

Sorry about the long post but I know you prefer more info than less.

Fred and I thank you profusely in advance.
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by MarcW »

I would start with larger water changes at least 50% per day for a few days to get the nitrates down.

Do you have a test kit for ammonia and nitrite? Readings for these will be helpful.

I'm not great at diagnosing issues or recommending medications hopefully someone else will be along to help with that.
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by jodilynn »

Nitrite is 0
I will have to look to see if there is an ammonia test kit.

I have Ammolock, but I am hesitant to use anything because of my Grass Shrimp
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by jodilynn »

Nitrate down to 40ppm after 50% Water change and 5x dosage of Prime.

From what I saw of him still very bloated.

Please advise
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by naturalart »

Hi Jodilynn, I know its been almost a week now but I would keep calm. When you say "bloated" do you mean: it looks like there is an extra layer of fat on the body and head, or is just the belly really full/round and protruding?
Also, is the fish acting normally, or is it sitting still alot and maybe 'listing' to the side.
I've had both cases with a few of my synos, and in the latter case this could mean a alimentary tract blockage, or eating too much of the wrong thing. I've had this pass a couple of times with out needing to medicate.
The former 'fat all over the body' could be not so easy to diagnose, I've had this type 'bloating' pass in one case and it was deadly in another. But I also loss a nice angelicus that had it when I medicated (in my opinion) too quickly. And its been so long ago, I cant remember what I medicated with, sorry.
Finally I'll just say syno's are pretty tough fish. Particularly if its just belly bloat, I would watch very closely a day or two more, no feeding, and resist medication if possible. My 2¢, good luck on ya.
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by naturalart »

And Yes, I agree, keep bringing the nitrates down.
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by jodilynn »

Thank you for taking the time to help. I appreciate it!
It almost looks like "both" types of swelling, belly is severely distended but there are some areas on his side that look swollen as well. Honestly he seems alright when he swims, no listing and very minor instances where he floats a bit. I watched him play "tag" with "Barney" in their cave for a bit yesterday and he was scooting around a bit this morning. I am going to have to feed the rest of the bottom crew but I may just toss in some peas. I agree about the rush to medicate, I lost several Midnight Cats (Zamoras) over the years 😓 and I worry about scaleless fishes when treating.
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by jodilynn »

I have moved him to my 10 gallon hospital tank and began treating him with Maracyn Two. I found a thread from '04 and apparently Barbie had success in treating a Syno with this type of bloat/dropsy. Kanaplex was used in that case but the consensus was M2 was the way to go. I also have some Metronidazole mixed in with some frozen food to give him if he eats. 😥
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by naturalart »

Any update or success?
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by jodilynn »

Hi! Thank you for asking!

He did not look to be improving at all, but by some miracle on the very last day of treatment the retained fluid was completely gone and I was left with a skinny little malnourished catfish with gaping open wounds on his sides from where the huge fluid filled blisters had burst. X_X
I finished the treament, did a water change, followed that up with a week long course of Melafix, did another water change and did a week long treatment of salt. Live brine shrimp helped stimulate his appetite and get him eating.
He is back in my 10 gallon community tank finishing his recovery and trying to put some weight back on. His appetite seems good and it does not appear that there are any lingering skin problems from the wounds now that they are healed.
I appreciate you following up on my little syno! :-H
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by bekateen »

Wow. What a turn around. I hope he continues to improve.

Good luck,
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Re: Help! Severly bloated S. nigriventris

Post by fat meloe! »

Um, I smell a "smart" spammerbot above me; "find out more" seems to be an advertisement (I didn't dare click, but "phenq" in the url appears to be a dieting "aid"). EDIT: spammer was deleted by administrators.

I have a feeling the powdered shrimp food could have possibly been somewhat washed away or dissolved by current even with spotfeeding, and rotted while floating invisibly around/hanging in a dirty corner. I am not experienced, but this might be helpful for reducing pollution in more than one emergency.
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