help with iding my cat

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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help with iding my cat

Post by glaive »

I have four pics following. He/she is deffinetly nocturnal, lives in an african cichlid tank, spends days inside the holes I bored into a lava rock. I really appreciate any help, for like my other fish I would like this one to have the proper diet and conditions for a long happy life. If it helps he/she does have a temper. I have and electric blue ahli and a peacock whom both like to pick on him if he ventures out in the light, but he only takes so much before he fights back.

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Post by Silurus »

<i>Synodontis nigrita</i>. There are several posts on this species in the African Catfishes forum.
From the looks of the split fins, doesn't look like it is faring very well in the tank.
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ty for your help

Post by glaive »

Now to pester so more lol. I am going to get a 75 - 100 gallon tank for three of my cichlids and was hoping to leave the catfish in the 20 gallon long with my julidochromis ornatus male and female who run from the catfish. Is this an okay idea? I don't know for sure if the split fins are from getting picked on, living in the lava rock or water quality. I do a 25% water change weekly. Every one in the tank gets fed a fairly high protien flake food with algae, and then brine shrimp once a week. Should I get a supliment for the catfish? If so please suggest one.

Ty in advance
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Post by Silurus »

The split fins are definitely a sign of being on the losing end of an altercation with the cichlids.
The syno should be OK in the 20 long, as long as you are not trying to breed the <i>Julidochromis</i>. They're not fussy eaters, so what you're feeding them is fine. You might want to try pellet food (which is more suitable for catfishes, IMO). Something like Hikari Carnivore Pellets or Tetra Tabimin.
You should take note that <i>S. nigrita</i> naturally occurs where the water is softer and more acidic. However, they are fairly resilient fish and can withstand a fairly wide range of water conditions.
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so just curious

Post by glaive »

I would like to have a catfish with my more aggressive cichlids, what kind would you suggest?
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Post by Silurus »

A small group of Rift Lake synos like <i>S. multipunctatus</i> or <i>S. petricola</i> would be fine. What size is your tank?
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the tank in question

Post by glaive »

the tank in question will be 75-100 gallon that is my next purchase so that my cichlids don't go crazy, but I want catfish as well I enjoy all my fish
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split fin

Post by glaive »

:D I was watching mycatfish teh other day and payed particular attention to his split fin and it looks like it has healed up nicely. I also did a rearangement that day and created a spot for him to hide and he has taken to it nicely. Not to mention that my two bad cichlid <peacock and electric blue> are fighting each other rather than running every one else around, so it appears things may be able to wait a month or so.

Ty for all your help.
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