Synodontis longevity question.

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Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Fogelhund »

Does anyone know exactly how long Synodontis species live?

This is my oldest, a male multipunctatus that was imported as a Wild Specimen in 1981. (No, not a typo). Yes, he is still breeding.


So, how long do these guys actually live?
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by MatsP »

No one really knows, since they tend to live "forever" (compared to many other aquarium species that is - not meant literally of course).

There are a few posts now and again regarding fish over 20, and your's isn't far of 30, so it's quite high on the list.

Sufficient to say that if it's still spawning, it's probably in good steed for another several years. That is of course unless you believe the hypothesis that they get jinxed when you post about them on the web - I don't...

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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by worton[pl] »


that is really an elder! He is older than me :).

May I ask how long is he? Hope he will live another 27 years :).

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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Fogelhund »

Oh, he's been posted on the web at Cichlid forums for years, so no worries.

He is over 7" (18cm+), probably closer to 8" (20cm).
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Tom »

I have a decorus and a brichardi I've had since 1980.
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Richard B »

We delved into this a while back, but i've done a little digging since then. Artis (amsterdam zoo aquarium) had a syno ( i think) that was a touch over 35 - i don't know how long it survived after it was recorded at that age.

I'm interested in how big your fish is - is that a SL or TL measurement?
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Dinyar »

I have a S. eupterus and a S. angelicus that are both around 20 years old, and they still look strong and vigorous. I'm not suprprised to read of a Syno that's pushing 30, but I am surprised to learn from your post that they are still spawning at that age!
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by syno-kev »

yes i can confirm synos if well treated and good water conditions can live 25-30 years and i have heard many stories of these catfish living 25 years plus that seems to be a common feature in the aquarium and a credit to all the keepers who must be doing something right for them to live this long ,
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Richard B »

That's probably the biggest multi i've 'enountered' - my biggest is about 150 -160 mm
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by barkof2 »

I just lost my Syn. eupterus that I've had since 1986. It was 27 years old. I had gotten 2 at that time. The other one lived to 21 years.
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Fogelhund »

For what it's worth, the male in the first picture is still alive, and still breeding. 33 years in captivity and counting.
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Fogelhund »

FWIW, the male finally passed in 2019. I still have six of his “babies” left, three of which were born between 1984 and 1986. So even the babies are 38-40 years old now.
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by bekateen »

Wow. Thanks for the update!

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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Fogelhund »

It’s good to drop in once a decade. lol
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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by Jools »

Fogelhund wrote: 27 Nov 2024, 15:45 It’s good to drop in once a decade. lol
That's how we roll. Here's to the next ten. :-)


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Re: Synodontis longevity question.

Post by naturalart »

My present group of 3 male sibling S. shoutedeni are around 15yrs old (they were about 3-5yrs old when I bought them around 2014.
Absolutely Jools, Cheers to the wise old Syno's!
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