L180 has me confused

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L180 has me confused

Post by Nabobmob1 »

In part of a trade deal I picked up some Juvie L180. I've already had some and have been breeding them, so figured I'll either grow the new ones out or sell them.

Their is considerable difference between what I had and what I just got. The fish to the left is the new fish, stressed, generally blacker. And the fish to the right is one of my juvies.


Here is a pic on a dark background:


Here is a pic of my adult male:


so what do I have?
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Re: L180 has me confused

Post by Narwhal72 »

I think the fish with the fewer spots is L182. But the differences are subtle between the two.
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Re: L180 has me confused

Post by Borbi »


the big problem with this group of fish is that there is a vast amount of people that believe they have L180, but only a tiny few of them actually have them.. And only the firm knowledge of the collection location of the actual fish will allow for a 100% ID.

From the body shape alone I believe that none of your fish actually is L180 (but, again, it is impossible to be 100% sure).
The comparatively flat one with the many spots might well be L100, while the other one is reminiscent of L213 (but there are at least 5 different "species" that look like L213 in some point of their life).
If you grow them out, L182 will be easy to rule out: if the fish grow beyond 15cm TL, they may well be L182, the other probable species should grow to no more than about 10cm TL.

"What gets us into trouble is not what we don´t know.
It´s what we know for sure that just ain´t so."
--Mark Twain
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