200 Liter Catfish Tank Setup

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200 Liter Catfish Tank Setup

Post by Umtgndz »

Hello everyone, i'm making a Amazon Biotope this tank will introduce only cat fishes.

My Equipment
100x40x50h 200 Liter Tank / 40x16x20h 55 Gallon Tank
Lifetech 838 Filter
Rabio 300W Stainless Steel Heater
Big mangrowe and red moore woods. (Red moore is 80 CM )
Cream Color 0.1 mm sand

Species I'll Add
x20 Corydoras Sterbai or Paleatus
x10 Ancistrus Sp. (Baby)
x2 L201
x6 Otocinclus Affinis (I'll add these 6 month later.)
x? L? Plecos (In future)

My Foods
JBL NovoTab
JBL NovoFect
NLS H20 Stable Wafers
JBL Tabis Spiruluna
JBL NovoPleco

My questions are:

1. Should i choose Sterbai or Paleatus? I love both but sterbai 3 times more expensive.

2. Is Sterbai Shy like Panda?

3. Any Catfish Advises?

4. Any Tank Advises?

5. Are my foods good?

6. How can i hide the equipments in tank?
Last edited by Umtgndz on 03 Mar 2015, 16:21, edited 1 time in total.
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200 Liter Catfish Tank Setup

Post by Mol_PMB »

Paleatus prefer cool water whereas Sterbai are fine in warmer water.
The Ancistrus aren't too fussy on temperature but the other L's you want may govern the water temperature and hence the choice of Cory.

However, it's important to note that Plecs are territorial and personally I wouldn't consider more than 4 adults of a small species in that size tank, ideally only two.

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Re: 200 Liter Catfish Tank Setup

Post by Umtgndz »

They will be baby and all female. And can paleatus resist up to 30 degrees? (Water will be 26 C)
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Re: 200 Liter Catfish Tank Setup

Post by KungFish »

Paleatus tend to like 15-25 degrees, so I don't think they'd go well in this tank.
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Re: 200 Liter Catfish Tank Setup

Post by Umtgndz »

Water can go high in summer. Should i choose Sterbai or make cooling system? And is Sterbai shy?
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Re: 200 Liter Catfish Tank Setup

Post by bekateen »

Umtgndz wrote:They will be baby and all female.
I'm not trying to be critical, but I'd suggest that if you buy your plecos as babies (and I understand you mean juveniles, not fry) then you won't likely be able to sex them reliably, more than likely. Unless you're going to start with sexually mature individuals where you can pick what you're getting, expect to get some males.

Also, you didn't mention which Ancistrus you're planning to get. My only experience is with common bristlenose Ancistrus, and in my experience, they can grow pretty quickly - in about one year (give or take a few months), your babies will reach adulthood (at least that's what mine did).

Otherwise, good luck - your tank sounds like fun! :-)

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Re: 200 Liter Catfish Tank Setup

Post by PabloG »

Paleatus isn't an Amazon Biotope fish. Here in Argentinean rivers we found it in waters with very low temperatures for winter season.
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Re: 200 Liter Catfish Tank Setup

Post by Umtgndz »

What about Trilineatus? Is it warm water fish? My L series plecos would require warm water. So i'll buy Trilineatus or Sterbai.
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